• A historic convocation address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II in the year 1950

    A historic convocation address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II in the year 1950

    A historic convocation address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II in the year 1950 as PDF.

  • Rabwah History in Photos

    Rabwah History in Photos

    A photo of staff with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II after the opening in Rabwah College Staff with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III after Convocation in 1966 (photo taken from Almanar) Graduates after receiving degrees at the Convocation in 1965 Graduates after receiving degrees at the Convocation in 1969 with Prof. Qazi M. Aslam and Hazrat Sahibzada…

  • Qadian History in Photos

    Fazal-e-Omar Hostel, T. I. College, Lahore 1948-49 Fazal-e-Omar Hostel, T. I. College, Lahore 1951-52 Group Photo provided by Comd. Mohammad Aslam Chaudhry (Convocation of T.I. College Lahore 1951) Present Status: 1. Engineer in Cement Industry. 2. Prof. Dr. Manzoor Ahmad, Director Institute of Biology, University of Karachi. 3. Col. Pakistan Army. 5. Prof. Pakistan Air…

  • An address of Jutice M. R. Kiyani on a Convocation of T.I. College, Rabwah

    An address of Jutice M. R. Kiyani on a Convocation of  T.I. College, Rabwah

    An address of Jutice M. R. Kiyani on a Convocation of T.I. College, Rabwah – Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad (the then Principal and Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (raziallah) were also present during the speech.

  • Talim-ul-Islam College a Historic Perspective by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sharif Khan

    Talim-ul-Islam College a Historic Perspective by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sharif Khan

    Talim-ul-Islam College a Historic Perspective Before partition in a PDF Form by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sharif Khan

  • History of TI College by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sharif Khan

    History of TI College by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sharif Khan

    In 1897 there were two primary schools for boys in Qadian: privately run AryaSchool in Arya Mohalla, and the other government run school near Ratti-Challa. Theteaching staff of both schools consisted of prejudiced Hindus who would let no occasiongo to lecture against Islam and criticize Hadhrat Messiah-a-Maud (Alah-a-salam), hismission and companions. Innocent Ahmadi students were…

  • TI College Brief History by Prof. Hamid Ahmad Chaudhry

    TI College Brief History by Prof. Hamid Ahmad Chaudhry

    Our alma mater, the esteemed institution – Talim-ul-Islam College, where we have all studied, was founded by Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II, in 1944 at Qadian to fulfil the wish of Hazrat Masih-e-Maood Alaih-e-Salam, who wanted that people should not only learn true Islam, but also learn the so-called secular branches of…

  • TI College History by Dr. S.M. Shahid

    TI College History by Dr. S.M. Shahid

    Prof. Dr. S. M. Shahid has kindly sent me a note on the history of the college and I am pleased to reproduce it as it is. This is a much more accurate and reliable version than what I have been trying to present from my limited knowledge. Hamid Ahmad When Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II,…