Prof. Dr. S. M. Shahid has kindly sent me a note on the history of the college and I am pleased to reproduce it as it is. This is a much more accurate and reliable version than what I have been trying to present from my limited knowledge.
Hamid Ahmad
When Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II, decided to open a college at Qadian, he set up a committee to make the necessary arrangements. The following were nominated as members of the College Committee.
1. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad
2. Prof. Qazi Mohammad Aslam
3. Malik Ghulam Farid
4. Sahibzada Mirza Nasir AhmadProf. Qazi Mohammad Aslam was the chairman of the committee, while Malik Ghulam Farid was its secretary. After due deliberations, the recommendations of the committee were accepted as follows:
a. The college should start functioning in June 1944
b. The college should be named Talim-ul-Islam College.
c. Sahibzada Mirza Nasir Ahmad should be the Principal of the college.
d. The college should be housed in the building of Talim-ul-Islam High School, which should shift to a new building.
The following were appointed as members of the teaching staff:
1. Sahibzada Mirza Nasir Ahmad – Principal and lecturer in Political Science
2. Akhwand Mohammad Abdul Qadir, Lecturer in English
3. Soofi Basharat-ur-Rehmad, lecturer in Arabic
4. Ch Mohammad Ali, lecturer in Philosophy
5. Rana Abdur Rehman Nasir, lecturer in Mathematics
6. Syed Fazal Ahmad, lecturer in English
7. Abbas bin Abdul Qadir, lecturer in History
8. Ata-ur-Rehman Ghani, lecturer in Physics
9. Yahya bin Isa, lecturer in Chemistry
10. Mahboob Alam Khalid, lecturer in Urdu
11. Abdur Rehman, lecturer in Persian
12. Maulvi Mohammad Din, librarian
“When Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II, decided to open a college at Qadian, he set up a committee to make the necessary arrangements. The following were nominated as members of the College Committee.
1. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad
2. Prof. Qazi Mohammad Aslam
3. Malik Ghulam Farid
4. Sahibzada Mirza Nasir Ahmad
Prof. Qazi Mohammad Aslam was the chairman of the committee, while Malik Ghulam Farid was its secretary. After due deliberations, the recommendations of the committee were accepted as follows:
a. The college should start functioning in June 1944
b. The college should be named Talim-ul-Islam College.
c. Sahibzada Mirza Nasir Ahmad should be the Principal of the college.
d. The college should be housed in the building of Talim-ul-Islam High School, which should shift to a new building.
The following were appointed as members of the teaching staff:
1. Sahibzada Mirza Nasir Ahmad – Principal and lecturer in Political Science
2. Akhwand Mohammad Abdul Qadir, Lecturer in English
3. Soofi Basharat-ur-Rehmad, lecturer in Arabic
4. Ch Mohammad Ali, lecturer in Philosophy
5. Rana Abdur Rehman Nasir, lecturer in Mathematics
6. Syed Fazal Ahmad, lecturer in English
7. Abbas bin Abdul Qadir, lecturer in History
8. Ata-ur-Rehman Ghani, lecturer in Physics
9. Yahya bin Isa, lecturer in Chemistry
10. Mahboob Alam Khalid, lecturer in Urdu
11. Abdur Rehman, lecturer in Persian
12. Maulvi Mohammad Din, librarian
In 1945 Ata-ur-Rehman Ghani was appointed as librarian in Fazal-e-Omar Research Institute and Mian Ata-ur-Rehman from Bhera joined the college as lecturer in Physics.
In 1946 Malik Faiz-ur-Rehman Faizi was appointed lecturer in Economics.
In 1946 Yahya bin Isa left the college and replaced by Habibullah Khan as lecturer in Chemistry. The same year Abdul Rehman, lecturer in Persian also left the college.
As a result of partition of the sub-continent, the college had to leave India and come to Pakistan. During this transfer Syed Fazal Ahmad, lecturer in English left the college, because he decided to remain in India. He later joined the Indian police service and rose to the rank of Inspector General of Police.
After shifting to Pakistan, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II directed the college committee to look for a suitable building for the college anywhere in Punjab. The following buildings were visited and considered, as they had been evacuated by similar institutions: 1. Sikh Naational College, Lahore
2. Khalsa College Lyallpur (now Faisalabad)
3. S. D. College Rawalpindi
4. D.A.V. College Rawalpindi
5. D. A. V. College Lahore
But all these buildings were full of refugees and could not be occupied till they had left.
Before a final decision was taken in favour of D. A. V. College Lahore, the college was housed in a deserted building in the vicinity of F. C. College. Since F. C. College was short of staff, it allowed its science labs to be used by T. I. College with the condition that some of T.I. College staff will teach their students. Professors Sultan Mahmood Shahid and Habibullah Khan, therefore taught at F. C. College in return for permission to use their Physics and Chemistry laboratories.
The following additions were made to the college teaching staff in 1948:
1. Raja Maqbool Elahi Janjua, Lecturer in Mathematics
2. Mohammad Safdar, Lecturer in Mathematics
3. Mahmood Ahmad, Lecturer in Biology
4. Mir Mohammad Yaqoob, Lecturer in Mathematics
5. Ch. Mohammad Fazal Dad, D.P.E.
6. Naseer Ahmad Khan, Lecturer in Physics.
In September 1954 the college shifted to Rabwah, but the following members of staff decided to remain in Lahore:
1. Malik Faiz-ur-Rehman Faizi, Lecturer in Economics
2. Raja Maqbool Elahi Janjua, Lecturer in Mathematics
3. Mohammad Safdar, Lecturer in Mathematic
The following joined the teaching staff at Rabwah at various times starting 1954:
1. Mubarak Ahmad Ansari
2. Masood Ahmad Atif
3. Chaudhry Ata Ullah
4. Zafar Ahmad Vaince
5. Naseer Ahmad Bashir
6. Mirza Khurshid Ahmad
7. Chaudhry Mohammad Sharif Khalid
8. Chaudhry Hameedullah
9. Rafiq Ahmad Saqib
10. Kunwar Idrees – taught for some time before joining the civil service
11. Saeed Ahmad Khan Rehmani – taught for some time before joining the civil service
12. Chaudhry Hamid Ahmad
13. Motasim Hamatullah
14. Aftab Ahmad – taught for some time before joining the civil service
15. Abdur Rashid Ghani
16. Ch. Mohammad Sultan Akbar
17. Mohammad Aslam Sabir
18. Nasir Ahmad Parwazi
19. Saeed Ullah Khan
20. Mohammad Ahmad Anwar
21. Chaudhry Mahfooz-ur-Rehman
22. Anwar Hasan
23. Syed Habib-ur-Rehman
24. Nazir Ahmad
25. Abdul Rashid Fauzi
26. Mohammad Sharif Khan
27. Ch. Aziz Ahmad
28. Abdul Jaleel Sadiq
29. Rashid Ahmad Javed
30. Ijazul Haq Qureshi
31. Mubarak Ahmad Abid
32. Saeed Ahmad Chatha
33. Mohammad Arshad Tirmazi
34. Sadiq Ali
35. Abdul Shakoor Aslam
Prof. S. M. Shahid proceeded to London for his Doctrate in Chemistry and returned to join the college in 1959.
Prof. Naseer Ahmad Khan went to U.K. for his Doctrate in Physics and rejoined the college in 1964.