The meeting was held in Baitus-Sabuh Frankfurt. Maulana Haider Ali Zafar, who had been specially invited on this occasion, presided over the meeting. Prof. Hamid Ahmad Chaudhry introduced the books written by Maulana Anwari. Syed Mohammad Ahmad Gardezi mentioned briefly the services rendered by Maulana Sahib to the young Ahmadi refugees as they came to Germany after having suffered state sponsored persecution in their homeland. After that Maulana Anweri Sahib spoke on the background and need of writing these books.
After the first part of the meeting was over, discussion on the topic started. Those who made brief speeches included Maulana Haider Ali Zafar, Prof. Hamid Ahmad Chaudhry, Chaudhry Anis Ahmad, Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Tahir (special guest), Maulana Munawar Hussain Toor, Syed Mohammad Ahmad Gardezi, Mr. Sharafatullah Khan, Mr. Hameedullah Zafar, Mr. Mohammad Aqil Khan, Mr. Naseer Ahmad Arif, Mr Muhammad Zaheer Ahmad, Raja Mohammad Yousaf, Mr. Munawar Ahmad Bajwa, Here are some photos taken on the occasion, starting with Hazur’s letter for this occcasion.