Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatohu
I wish and pray that may Almighty Allah keeps all of you in the best of health and showers His unlimited blessings upon all of you. Amen.
Yesterday, when I was net-searching for Rabwah, I found T. I. College site with a lot of historical photos. As I have also been an old student of the college, I thought I should also add some to it as well.
I am sending an old phtograph which I received last December from an old friend in Qadian, together with my recent photograph. The old photograph was taken in Ghana in 1981. In this, our present Imam (atba) is also standing and I am standing on his right. (Note: This photo is being placed on the chapter for students serving in Africa- Hamid)
My brief intro is: Born and breed in Rabwah on the Khilafat Day (27 May 1953) in Sadr Anjuman quarters. Studied in Rabwah (195X – 1974), QAU Islamabad (1975-77), and Otago Univ. Dunedin NZ (1982-84).
Worked in Pakistan (1978), Ghana (1979-1982), New Zealand (1982-86), Kenya (1986-87), Australia (1987- ), Fiji (1991-92), Malaysia (1994-95), USA (1996-99), and Australia (1999-todate); mainly as a teacher, lecturer, and IT Consultant.
Have travelled extensively across West, East, South Africa, Western Europe, North America, Asia, and Pacific-Australasia.
With kind regards,
Dr. Muhammad Aslam NASIR