We are extremely grateful to our senior-most friends who have affectionately provided us with their photographs and profiles. Thier’s lives should serve as beacons for us and our generations. May Allah bless them, their children and all of us.
Mohammad Munir Akhtar
Muhammad Munir Akhtar s/o Mian Fazal Karim
F.Sc. 1st year T.I.College, Qadian 1946. Completed M.A. Statistics, University of Panjab, Lahore, 1954 Served Ministry of Industries, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad, 1955-1991 Retired as General Manager, Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation, Dept. of Planning and Development, Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad, 1991. Married with Ruqiya Nasreen d/o Muhammad Hasan, Deputy Controller of Military Accounts, Govt. of Pakistan. Waqf after Retirement Scheme: Appointed as Assistant Secretary at Biatul Islam Mission House, Jama’t Ahmadiyya Canada Headquarter, Toronto, 2000- Mailing address : 264 Ahmadiyya Avenue, Maple, Ontario, L6A 3A6 Phone : 905-417-3448 (Home) Phone : 905-303-4000 ext. 222 (Work) gs@ahmadiyya.ca Supporting document as an archives : Roll No. 792 Registered No. 46. tq. 18 The University of Panjab M.A. Statistics, 1954. In Registration number t.q. stands for Talimul Islam College Qadian
Commander (Retd) Mohammad Aslam Chaudhry
Studied: T.I.College Lahore Stay period : 1948-1951 Completed: B. Sc. and M.Sc. Govt. College Lahore His teachers: Hadrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad (Principal),Prof. Akhwand M. Abdul Qaidr, Prof. Ch. Mohammad Ali, Prof. Mian Ataur Rahman, Prof. Dr. Sultan Mahmood Shahid, Prof. Habibullah Khan, Prof. Sufi Basharatur Rahman, Prof. Sheikh Mahboob Alam Khalid. Prof. Mohammad Safdar, Prof. Abbas bib Abdul Qadir, Prof. Malik Faizur Rahman Faizi, Maulana Arjumand Khan
Married : wife Asifa Begum dauthter of Raja Ali Mohammad Khan, Revenue Office, PCS. 3 sons – All married Served Pakistan Navy, 1956-1988. Retired as Commandar.
Associated with Jama’t : Waqf after retirement scheme. Additional Secretary to Amir & Missionary Incharge Jama’t Ahmadiyya Canada, 1993-
Mubarik Ahmad Ansari & Family
Mubarak Ahmad Ansari Duration of T.I.College : 1944-1952 1954 M.Sc. (Chemistry) University of the Panjab, Lahore Teaching Staff T.I.College Rabwah : 1954-1988 Head of the Dept. Dean Faculty of Sciences Controller of Examanation Member Admission Committee President Committee Vice Principal Retired as Professor of Chemistry August 1988. Present Status : Professor Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada Sadar Qaza Board, Jama’t Ahmadiyya Canada Member, Editorial Board, Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada Status : Married with Zahida Ansari, Three Sons and one Daughter. All married. Mailing Address: Ahmadiyya Abode of Peace, 3001 Finch Avenue West # Toronto, Ontario
Rafiq Ahmad Saqib Duration of T.I.College : 1951-? Special Activities in College: B.Sc. (Hon.) ; M.Sc. Chemistry – University of the Panjab, Lahore, 1955 Teaching Staff T.I.College Rabwah : 1956-1969 Principal, Ahmadiyya Secondary School, Kano, Nigeria, Status : Married with Zahida Saqib, Three Sons. All married
Munir Ahmad Munib Duration of T.I.College : 1962-1966 Completed : B.Sc. B. Ed. – University of the Panjab, Lahore, 1968 Science Teacher, Ahmadiyya Secondary School, ? Present Status : Professor Jamia Ahmadiyya Rabwah Status : Married with Amatul Hakeem Laiqa, Two Sons
Dr. Laiq Ahmad Saqib Duration of T.I.College : 1964-1966 Completed : F.Sc. Special Activities in College: Basket Ball Player M.B.B.S. University of the Panjab, Lahore, 1974 Present Status : Physician Ahmadiyya Clinics, Ghmabia Status : Married with Shahida Laiq , Two Sons and Two Daughters
Mubashar Ahmad Shuhab Status : Married
Muzaffar Ahmad Shuhaib Status : Married
Dr. Mutahar Ahmad Status : Married
Ataul Mujeeb Rashad Completed : M.A. President College Union; President Arabic Society; Chief Editor, Almanar. Last Degree : Shahid Jamia Ahmadiyya Rabwah Status : Married Present Status : Imam Mosque London; Missionary In charge UK
Munirul Haq Shahid Duration of T.I.College : 1962-1968 Completed : M.A. Chief Editor, Almanar Status : Married with Shahida Shahid, Two Sons and Two Dahughters Present Status : M.A. M..L.S., Member Qaza Board, Jamat Ahmadiyya Canada
Hadayatullah Hadi
Hadayatullah Hadi in T.I. C. (1962-1967), Member Editorial Board Almanar 1962-1966, Member College Union 1964-1966, Secretary Economics Society 1964-1966, Secretary Arabic Society 1964-1966 Qualification: M.A., LL.B., M.A. L.I. Sc Consultant Research & Information Services Ogoode Hall Law School York University, Toronto, Canada Editor : Monthly Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada (since 1988-) President : Oriental Publishers Canada since 1995 Family : Tahira Hadi – B.A. B. Ed. – Wife, Shazia Hadi – M. Sc. (Physics); M. Sc. Engineer – Daughter – Married, Khurram Hadi – M. Sc. Engineer – Son – Married, Nazia Hadi – B. Sc. Engineer, B. Ed. – Daughter – Married Faraz Hadi – M. Sc. Engineer – Son – Married Address : 55 Ferdinand Avenue, Maple, Ontario, Canada, L6A 2A3 Tel : 905-303-4000 ext. 241 (Office) Tel : 905-303-7749 (Home) Fax : 905- 303- 7750 Email : hhsayyed @gmail.com / gazette@ahmadiyya.com
I was born in the City of Jullundhur, a town in East Punjab (India) eighty five years ago. When I was born, my father had already accepted Ahmadiyyat. He was employed in an office of Government of India and after serving in that office for about 35 years, he retired as Deputy Assistant Financial Adviser to the Government of Pakistan. Since I was five years old I saw him and found him a saint in every respect. He died when I was fifty years old and throughout my life, it was not even once that my opinion about him as saint wavered. A profound Mu’min who acted upon every tenet of Islam very faithfully. A devoted preacher of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. Briefly, I can safely say that dozens of people joined Ahmadiyyat with his tabligh. Converting non Muslims to Islam, it was my personal experience that in British Indian days, he converted two Englishmen to Islam. One of them was Mr. Hutchins and the other’s name I do not remember. Till my primary education, I was extra intelligent student of the class. It was a terrible shock of my life that I lost my mother when I was nine years old. Her death was the death of my academic career. A student getting top grades, slid deep down to the bottom. But somehow I climbed up the academic hill till I reached my graduation classes. During that period I had not flunked even once. But the last ladder, that is, my graduation was a hill I could not scale and flunked. My parents refused to shoulder my educational expenses any more and I had no other choice but to seek some job. This, I got without difficulty and was employed in the Government of India. In 1943 Hadrat Musleh Mau’ood came to Delhi. There I made the final decision of my life and decided to dedicate my life for Islam. It was a deep plunge. My father was extra happy to hear about it. But in warning tone he told me that it was a thorny trail with difficulties mountain high. The life will suddenly change from prince to pauper. My remuneration will be peanuts as compared to that of my job in Government of India. But I had taken the plunge and my decision was final. So, I went with my father to have an audience with Hadrat Musleh Mau’ood. It was a grilling interview half of me and half of my father. Hudur knew my father for the last thirty years. The final decision was that he will accept me as Waqif-i-Zindigi if I could get my B.A. degree. For me it was an uphill task. But I had firmly decided and had to move mountains for achieving the B.A. degree. I worked very hard and graduated in 1945 and humbly informed Hadrat Musleh Mau’ood about it. I received reply which said that I should report as early as possible. In complying with the orders of the Markaz, I resigned my Government of India job, terminated my tennis club membership of which I was a star player and finished other small and big engagements. Hudur was pleased to appoint me as Naib Vakiluttijarat just to say a “Gazetted officer” right from the start. At this job, I served for two and a half years when the great upheaval of partition of India took place and the country was split into India and Pakistan. I took another decision of my life and opted to become a Dervish to live in Qadian for the rest of my life. My request was granted. But just after a few months I received immediate orders to reach Lahore without delay and resume my job as Naib Vakiluttijarat. Our office was still at Lahore and had not moved to Rabwah like other offices. This job continued till 1951 when I was transferred to the office of Vakiluttabshir and I reported at Rabwah. While in this office, the great Punjab Disturbances of 1953 took place and during police search of Tahrik-i-Jadid offices, I was arrested also for committing the crime of sending a Newsletter to our missionaries around the globe every month. After the imposition of Martial Law in Punjab, we were freed and our work of sending newsletters to the missionaries continued. A few weeks after, I was transferred as Settlement Officer of Rabwah land where I worked for two years and it was during my tenure that the whole land of Rabwah was transferred to their owners. It was strange for me and a great honour that I was the highest authority to issue title deeds of all the residential and commercial property of that sacred town. After half a century some people still come and show me that title deed with my signatures for which I am proud but I see that paper with moist eyes. Again I was transferred back in Vakiluttabshir’s office and just after that, Hadrat Sahibzada Mirza Mubarak Ahmad was transferred as Vakiluttabshir and it is my great honour that I worked with him with great success for nearly three decades. Many Naibs Vakiluttabshir came and went but Hasan Muhamad Khan was not moved even once any where else. Again it was my honour that holding my original office, I officiated temporarily nearly all the senior posts of Tahrik-i-Jadid, like Vakilud Diwan, Vakiluttaleem, Vakiluzzaraat, Vakilul Mal etc. At times I think that I am a very humble person and how could I perform these heavy and onerous duties. Then I consider that it was all due the mercy and kindness of my God Who is Almighty. In 1963, T.I. College Rabwah was granted permission to start post graduate classes in Arabic. At the forceful instigation of my very dear friend, Sahibzada Mirza Naeem Ahmad, the younger brother of Hadrat Sahibzada Mirza Waseem Ahmad, Amir Jama`at Ahmadiyya Qadian, we both joined the premier Arabic M.A. class and successfully got my post graduate degree in Arabic. As a student of that college, I am proud to say that our Principal was Hadrat Sahibzada Mirza Nasir Ahmad, who later became our Syedna Hadrat Khalifatul Masih III (peace be upon him). I still cherish the degree which I received at the hands of that great saint. I am proud to spend those two years under the cool shade of that soft spoken principal who had loaded me with favour after favour. But it is a long story. I retired in 1981 and migrated to Canada in that year. Right after my arrival, I was entrusted with the job of Editor of “Ahmadiyya Gazette” which after twenty four years still hold and it is my honour that now this magazine is the leading journal among Ahmadiyya magazines of the World. I take pleasure to say that much of its credit goes to our Amir, Maulana Naseem Mahdi. Contact: Hasan Muhammad Khan Arif 202-3577 Derry Road East Mississauga, Ontario L4T 1B3 Canada Phone / Fax : 905-612-0646 mansadia@yahoo.com
Abdul Hai Tahir
Duration of study in the T.I. College: 1971-1976
Completed: M.Sc (Physics) (Msc. Nuclear Engineering PINSTECH Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad)
Special Activities in the College: Secretary Mathematical Society, 1970-71 – President Mathematical Society, 1972-73. — Rendered Services: NDVP Volunteer 1975-76 Physics Department T.I.College, Rabwah. Present Status: Senior Automation Engineer Kautex Textron Windsor Canada. Martial Status: Married with Rasheda (Ghazi) Tahir, four daughters. Other Social Activities: Zaim Ansarullah Jamaat Ahamadiyyia Windsor, Canada. Present Address: 2740 Cappelletto Road, Windsor, Ontario, N8W 5N1 CANADA
T.I. College Rabwah : 1967-1971
197-1971 – Rowing champion
Sales Representative Century 21
Served International School Terbela Dam (1975-1982)
Served as a Teacher Nusrat Jahan Scheme Nigeria ( 1983-1986
Settled Canada 1987-
Contact : 164 America Avenue, Maple, Ontario, L6A 3E8 Canada
Phone : 905-417-6511
Mobile 416-788-0537
Email: fshahid@hotmail.com
Amatul Wase Aram, B. A., B. Ed. – Wife
Uzma Shahid – Daughter – Computer Graphic – Multimedia Specialist – Editor Alnisa – Lajna Team MTA – Married – Settled Australia
Khaula Shahid – Daughter – B. A. – Lajna Team MTA
Usman Shahid – Son – 3rd year Student Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada – Team Member MTA – National Mohtamam Itifal Canada
Hassan Shahid – Son – Waf-e-Nau – Grade 8 – Member Team MTA Cameraman
MOHAMMAD SARWAR JAVAID Studied in T.I. College Rabwah from 1978-1980. Worked in Oman as a Manager with a Travel Agency 1981-1998. During this served Jmaat (Buraimi/Alain Branch) as Finance Secretary and on verious other positions. 1998 Came to Canada. 1999-2002 Worked as IT Operational Technical Support in private industry. IBM Certified Profesional in iSeries (AS/400) Platform) 2002-2005 Worked as iSeries Consultant with Ontario Ministry of Transport for multi-platform IT environment. May 2005-to present Joined Ontario Public Service (Ministry of Transporation) full time as Coordinator, Systems Assurance in IT Technical Support Office. Serving in Tajneed Section and Computer Department at Canadian Headquarters. Had the opportunity to upgrade and install Jamaat’s iSeries(AS/400) systems in Canada, Germany and UK. Please let me know if you need more info. Please discuss before publishing anything. Married . one son, four daughters. Mohammad Sarwar Javaid
ABDUL HAMID HAMIDI D.O.B: June 15th, 1951 Address: 39 Portsmouth Rd. Maple ON L6A 3Y1 Home Phone No: (905)303-7932 Cell Phone No: (416)275-4806 Enrolment at Talim-ul-Islam College Rabwah, Pakistan (Fazal-e-umar hostel): 1969 – 1971 Completed F.se. (Pre-Engineering) Principal at time: Ch. Mohammad Ali Teachers: Mian Khurshid Ahmad Sahib Mubarak Ahmad Ansari Sahib Nasir Ahmad Parwazi Sahib Ch. Hameedulla Sahib Atif Sahib Warden: Habibullah Khan Tutor: Mohammad Aslam Mangla During my stay: I was associated with Al-Minar, the College magazine, assistant to editor. My tasks included proofreading. A comedy function was organized in Fazal-e-Umar hostel in Rabwah. A group of students participated including myself. I received a first-place reward in a short play called Talkeen Shah. I have unforgettable memories of my stay at TI College. The love I received from the teachers is a valuable asset for the remainder of my life which always warms my heart. Jama’t Volunteer Services: Currently the Audio Video Secretary for Peace Village Jama’t. During my stay in Rabwah I was Muntazan Maal Fazal-e-Umar Mujlis Khudaam-ul-Ahmadiyya Rabwah. Career: Appliance Repair Technician for Sears Canada 1994-Current. (Mechanical Technology Graduate from NED University, Karachi, Pakistan. Appliance Repair Technician Course from George Brown College, Toronto. HVAC Course from Humber College, Toronto. Natural Gas Appliance Repair Course from Humber College, Toronto. NDT from Mohawk College, Hamilton. Qualified Operator Certificate from Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada.)
Dr. Ijaz Ahmad Rauf
977 Jinnah Efficiency High School Sialkot (Matriculation) – 1979 Murray college Sialkot (F.Sc.) – 1982 Taleemul Islam College Rabwah (B.Sc.) – 1984 Punjab University Lahore (M.Sc. Physics – Gold Medalist – 2nd Position) – 1987 Punjab University Lahore (M.Phil Solid State Physics – Gold Medalist – 1st position) – 1991 Cambridge University England (Ph.D. Solid State Physics)
Currently Professor Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada and University of Toronto Mississauga.
Dr. Mohammad Sharif Khan
Retired as professor. performed duties as: 1. chairman admission commettee 2. controller of examinations 3. head department of biology married to Prof. Rashida Tasnim Khan, Prof. of Persian Jamia Nusrat, Rabwah three sons: Dr. Muhammad Zafrullah Khan, Research Associate, Drexal University, Philadelphia, USA Muhammad Masood Khan, CA, Calgary, Canada Dr. Muhammad Rashid Zubair Khan, D. Pharm. Philadelphia, USA One daughter: Rashda Saadia Ahmed, married with three children, Germany.
The year 1946 is the year when I entered in the realm of knowledge, as a student of “Kachhi” (prep) class of Talimul Islam Primary School, Qadian. My class was a “Tat” (sitting on mats) class, venue was under the shade of a large mango tree, one in the tree-line that marked the boundaries between Talimul Islam High School and Talimul Islam College. I tapped door of world of knowledge with words “Alif, Ba, Ta, Sa”, which were forced into my memory by the painful strokes of “miswak” on my fingers by our master Muhammad Baskh Solanghi sahib (marhoom). After partition my family moved to our native village Chaksan, District Gujranwala in Pakistan, then to Ghakkhar Mandi, where I did my matriculation in 1956. When I was in 8th class I offered myself for “waqf-a-zindgi” (devotee), which was accepted by Hadhrat Khalifa tul Messih the II (rz) (Alhamdolliah). I was advised to get admission in Talimul Islam College, Rabwah, and after doing master I was to report in the Nazarat-a-Talim. In Talimul Islam College I studied as a F. Sc. Premedical student. Then I left Talimul Islam College, because I was interested in Biological subjects, not offered there at that time.
I did B. Sc from Islamia College, civil lines Lahore in 1961, M.Sc. Zoology from University of the Punjab, in 1963, standing first in order of merit, and was awarded Sir William Roberts Gold Medal, and Roll of Honor (Alhamdolliah). I was advised by Nazarat-a-Talim to report to the Principal Talimul Islam College, where I joined the staff as lecturer in Zoology, in September, 1963. My first research paper was published in 1965. The calm and serene environments in Talimul Islam College provided me the impetuous to carry on my research there. I still remember very vividly, the college biological laboratory, its spacious demonstration tables and high stools, where I worked after college time. Often I use to gaze at the nearby hilly rampart across the lab windows, how majestically it stood there! It provided strength to my determination. As I sit all alone, Shadi’s oft and on shouts making his presence announced to the trespassers, were my only companion. For several of my subsequent published papers I owe support and determination to the tables and that hills, that still stand there! I completed my doctoral experimental work in the same laboratory, on the same tables, sitting at the same high stools in the Biological Laboratory, where I fist got instructions as an F. Sc. Student back in 1956. I received my Ph.D. degree from University of the Punjab, Lahore, in 1991. I taught subjects of Biology and Zoology to F.Sc and B. Sc classes from 1963-1999, retiring in September of that year. During my F.Sc I stayed in Fazal-a-Omar hostel. In college my English teachers were Ch Abul Latif (marhoom), M. H. Zaidi and Kanwar Indrees sahib; Biology: Dr Naseer A. Bashir (marhoom); Physcis: Masood Ahmed Atif (marhoom); Chemistry: Prof. Mubark Ahmed Sahib Ansari; Deeniat: Milk Muhammad Abdullah (marhoom). Later Atif sahib, Ansari sahib and Malik sahib were my colleagues. My research interest has been Herpetology (study of amphibians and reptiles). Very little was known about Pakistani species of these animals. I toured different remote parts of the country, studying these animals in their natural environments and collecting them for my research. Several M.Sc students from Qaid-a-Azam University, Islamabad; Government College, Lahore; Punjab University and Government college, Lahore and Faisalabad completed their research paper under my supervision. At the time of immigration to U. S. A. I donated my large collection of specimens to Zoological Museum Government College, Lahore; and collection scientific books to Khalafat Library, Rabwah. Alhamdolliah, I am still working on my data that I brought from Pakistan, and getting it published in different international scientific journals. I have gotten published over 300 research papers, have described several new species and discovering new records for Pakistan. I have published two books in Urdu, two in English, one in German (published in Germany and USA). I was recognized as “Zoologist of the year 2002” and awarded a certificate and a shield by the Zoological Society of Pakistan. When I look at myself, I am still a child, and remember and feel the pain I felt by the “miswak” strokes by my teacher of “Kachhi” class, who knows how sincerely that pious man was praying for his pupils at that time? May his soul rests in peace in heaven, Amen!
wassalam alaikum
Muhammad Sharif Khan, Ph.D.
D-206 Landsdowns Towers Apartments 776 Providence Road, ALDAN, PA 19018, USA Ph # 610-572-1357
Syed Abdul Momin
Duration of study in T.I. College: 1971 – 1978 Completed Courses, e.g. F.A. F.Sc. B.A. B.Sc. M.A., M.Sc. Completed M.Sc. (Physics) Special Activities in the College, e.g. Sport, Society, Union, Almanar, etc.: Organization of annual hostel function Rendered Services: Science Teacher Nusrat High School, The Ghambia,1978-1986 Present Status: Programmer Analyst in GANZ, Toronto, 1987- Martial Status: Married with Asifa Naz Syed, one daughter, two sons Others : Secretary Tarbiyyat 15 years in Central Toronot, Ahmadiyya Abode of Peace and Peace Village Jama’t. Present Address: 90 Haymer Drive, Maple Ontario, L6A 2L2 Phone: (905) 303 – 5474
Abdul Shakoor Azhar
Duration of College : 1960-1964 Completed: B.A. Special Activities: Secretary, History Society Rowing Club: 1962-1964 Hiking Club: 1962-1964 Hockey Team : 1962-1964 Present Status: Operation Manager, North American Protection Married with Amatul Qayyum, one son, three daughters Mailing Address: 16 Sufi Crescent, Toronto, Ontario, M4A 2X3 Phone : 416-751-7010 Mobile : 647-290-9770 Email : rose_alia@hotmail.com
Usman Mohammad
Duration of College : 1991-1995 Completed: B.Sc.
Extra Curricular Activities: Union, Alminar, Societies, Champion, etc.
Present job: Technical Analyst at Royal Bank of Canada
Special Activities: Office bearer of the Jama’t (Rexdale). Married to: Asifa Usman No. of children: 1
Children’s short profile if necessary 4 yers old, attending JK, name is Faran Ahmad Usman Present Address: 212 – 1 Rowntree Rd, Toronto ON M9V-5G7
Zubaid-ur-Rehman Nawaid Hashmi
Duration of studentship in T. I. College: 1968-1973 Completed from the College: B.A. Extra Curricular Activities: Union, Alminar, Societies, Champion, etc. Debater, Captain Basket Ball T.I. College Team, Captain Sarghoda Board Team Highest Degree Obtained: M.A. University of the Punjab, Lahore 1975. Present job: President, Zarco Money Exchange Canada Inc. Special Activities: Local President Mississauga North, Toronto, Canada Married with: Rafat Hashmi, M.A. No. of children: One son & one daughter – all married. Present Address: 148 Bristol Road West, Mississauga, Ontario, L5R 2E7. Telephone: 905-712- 4877 Mobile : 416-953-7868 Email: zarcoexchange@rogers.com.
Malik Mohammad Yar Majoka
Duration of studentship in T. I. College: From 1960.to 962
Completed from the College: F.A.
Present job: President Perfect Security Ltd.
Married with : Nargis Jabeem No. of children: 2 dughters
Preseent Address: Ahmadiyya Abode of Peace 3001 Finch Avenue West, Toronto, M9M 3A9, Canada
Telephone:..416-743-5852 Mobile : 416-704-7648