Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatohu
I was glad to discover the website for TICOSA. First of all congratulation to the successful launching of the website for TIC old student association. It is an excellent website with so many memories of our young days. It is wonderful idea to keep the torch of TI keep alive for our future generation to come. TIC was not just a college, but a peaceful home to us for higher learning. I am also one of TI old student. Hi my name is Muhammad Ashraf Malik, aka Ash Malik. I was at TIC for two years 1963-1965. I was a science student and completed my FSc in 1965. I was also resident student at Fazal-Umar Hostel (FUH) in 1964-1965. I joined Government College Sargodha after leaving TIC due to my family circumstances (close to my parents) and it was very difficult emotionally to leave TIC and leave behind good friends and wonderful professors.
I graduated in 1967 with BSc degree. I have so many memories at TIC and it will not be fair to mentions my principal Hazart Mirza Nasir Ahmad and favorite professor and they are: Prof. Mian Ata-UR-Rahman, Prof. Habibullah Khan, Dr. S.M. Shahid, Ch. Hameedullah and yourself (Professor Ch. Hamid Ahmad). Looking through your page on science society – T.I. College, Rabwah in 1963-1964, I have come to recognize many faces, but sure to like some of my friends if they read this pages are: Ahyauddin, Mehboob (my roommate at FUH); Latif Gujrati (I have read his message in your web site and am planning to contact him in the near future), Younus (also, my roommate at FUH) and Majeed and many other friends to name everyone be very difficult. So here is my brief for the last forty two years since I left TIC in 1965. I joined Fluor Corp for ESSO Fertilizer at Daharki in late 1967 as an engineer. After the completion and start up of the plant, I was transferred to Lahore with Fluor Corp to design and built the Dawood Hercules Fertilizer plant as a chief piping engineer. I migrated to USA on December 1970. I earned my B.S. in mechanical engineering from West Coast University at Los Angeles in 1973. I have worked for Fluor and Bechtel Corp and several electric utilities as mechanical engineer, designing nuclear power plants throughout the USA from 1971 through 1987. At age of 41, I decided to go back to school (university) and earned my M.S. in aerospace and propulsion engineering in August 1987. I was offered a permanent position with the United States Army at their R&D Center as a propulsion engineer in 1988. My present position is rocket scientist. I am planning to retire from the Army within the next five years and our family will be relocating to Bodega Bay, California (we have a home on the Pacific Sonoma coast). I just want to say hallo to all my friends at TI who remember me. I will soon provide you my old TIC picture as well as the present one