Ustazi -ul- Mukurrum Chaudhary Sahib It is very kind of you to advise me to cotribute to the TIC website. As an alumni of TIC, I feel indebted to you and your colleagues for providing us this wonderful forum to cherish our sweet memories associated with the charismatic environment of TIC campus. For me,TIC website has revived memories that had gotten blurred in wake of last 35 years. I have again come to know the whereabouts of many old friends and teachers and how they have progressed in their lives. I was indeed glad to know about Dr Muhammed Sharif Khan who taught me the basics of the life sciences. I consider my self as a humble product of TIC and still live with this strong conviction, that the kind of education and mentors that we had at TIC is hardly to be surpassed by any comparable institute. It is because of their dedication that many of us are what we are today, and my deepest gratitude goes out to them. In 1971 I graduated from TIC and then obtained Master’s degree in Botany from Punjab University in 1973 . Later I served for a period of three years in Nusrat Jehan Scheme in Sierra Leone. I returned home in 1981 after accomplishing doctrate from the Queen’s University Belfast. I was advised by Hazarat Khalifa tul Messih lll to look for a professional career in Pakistan and so far God has been very kind and helped me adhere to the advice of Hazur. I have served Pakistan Agriculture Research Council in various capacities for almost 12 years (1982-1993). Since 1993 I have been associated with Engro Chemical Pakistan Ltd., which is a leading company in Pakistan’s corporate set up. I am accessible on e-mail and telephone, details of which are given below. Chuadhary sahib we pray Allah may bless you with good and innovative ideas to make TIC Alumni Association a very puposeful forum. |
With best regards,
Muzaffer A. Khan