Respected Professor Hameed Sahib,
With reference to our recent telephone talk, I am sending you my photograph.
I am an old student at T.I. College, Rabwah, Pakistan from 1958 to 1962. I am 72 years old. I have lived and worked in the USA for the last 45 years. I came to the USA in 1968 and have since then lived in the state of New Jersey.
Congratulations and best wishes for being the President of old Students of T.I. College Association.
Presently I am working as a “World Peace Ambassador” with the Rotary International Club, which is a N.G.O and auxillary of U.N.O. This is the second highest position which has been offered to an Ahmadi after Late Sir Zafarullah Khan Sahib who was President of Security Council of the U.N.O. Please print the attached or a summary of the attached titled “An international award presented to an old student of T.I. College” in the next Almanar Magazine.
Prayers requested.