Dear & Resspected Chaudhry Sahib Assalamo alaikum wa rehmat Ullah My name is Rafiq Ahmad Sahi and am an old student of T.I. College. I got addmission in this college in 1946 when it was in Qadian. After the partion of the then India the college shifted to Lahore. It temporarily was housed in the D.A.V.college building situated infront of the Lahore district police head quarter. In response to your appeal to T.I. College old boys, I attach a pohto graph. Details given here under. The photograph attached was taken on the occasion of !st convoation of the college in 1950. This convocation was addressed by Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra). After the convocation the then principal of the college Hazrat Hafiz Sahib zada Mirza Nasir Ahmad (rahim ullah) who was later elevated by Allah to be Khalifatul Mash III, was kind enough to have his photograph with the graduating students. I being one of the graduating student had the priviledge of standing on the right of the principal. I am presenly living in Canada but I often visit Germany where my yougest son Hammurabi Rafiq Qaqdir Sahi lives. He lives ib Babehausen a township near Damstd and Aschaffenburg. I hope to see you during my next visit to Germany if I know your address. Cosidering the age of the picture I hope you will like it.
I am really thankful for your mail. This has opened a vista of communication. I have today sent you a photograph. Please inform me if have receive4d the email, There are a few faces that I recognize in the pictures that you have sent but most of the faces seem to be unfamiliar. About myself it is sufficient to tell that I belong to district Lyallpore (now faisal abad)I had my education upto matric level in MB High school Gojra. After matriculation my father wanted me to study in TI College Qadian. After partion in 1947 I studied for a year in GC Lyallpore.
After doing my F.Sc I learnt that TI College has also shifted to Pakistan. So I got admission in B. Sc in TI College Lahore. In 1950. I graduated from this college and for my M.Sc I got admission in GC Lahore. I Did my M.Sc from this college. I started my carrier as Lecturer in Zamindar College Gujrat. In !9 54 I was appointed in G C ( then Emerson College) Multan. Moving from different colleges and countries I finaly retired from GC Sahiwal in 1991. Worked for 4 years as Prof. in Hajveri college in lahore till 2001 from there I migrated to Canada and still living in Cambridge a town about 100 Km from Toronto. I expect a similar introduction fom your respected sir. Wassalam Rafiq Sahi