Respected Prof. Hamid Ahmad Chaudhry Sahib!
Assalamo Alaikum Warahmatullah
Sir! How can I forget my dear teachers and my dear institution, as both are asset of my life. Whatever I have gained in my life is merely because of this great institution and its great teachers. Sir! I really apologize for entering the office of a beloved teacher without proper permission and offering due regards as sometime it may happen when you are in hurry. May Allah bless you with long and healthy life. With best wishes,
your student
Mubarak Ahmad Saif
Old student Talim-ul-Islam College Rabwah 1965-69
1) Editor Al Manar Urdu Section 1967-68
2) Declared best Urdu speaker and awarded “Roll of Honor” 1968-69
3) Remained Secretary and President of Arabic Society
4) Remained secretary and Vice-President of “Hostel Forum”
5) Represented College in various All Pakistan Inter Collegiate Urdu and Punjabi debates
and won seven prizes and running trophies
6) After a long service in State Bank Of Pakistan
now living in Calgary, Canada