It is a matter of great pleasure to know that finally, the “Association of the T. I. College Old Students” has been formed. Thanks to Professor Chaudhry Hameed Ahmad Sahib and other friends who worked strenuously to achieve this goal. The main purpose of this organization is to keep the luminous traditions and high values of this great institution alive. I joined T. I. College Rabwah as an F. Sc. student in 1966. Although by that time Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifa tul Masih III was not the Principal of the college anymore, nevertheless the high moral, ethical and educational standards that were achieved during his leadership were still there. Since the majority of the professors were Waqifin, they did their job with a missionary spirit that was apparent from the extremely good results that were achieved every year.
One always felt a family like atmosphere in the college because the teachers were caring and generous, always ready to support the students whenever they required help. At that time Professor Qazi Mohammad Aslam Sahib was the principal. Some other names that I remember are Professor Chaudhri Mohammad Ali, Professor Naseer Ahmad Khan, Professor Sultan Mahmood Shahid, Professor Mian Ata ur Rehman, Professor Chaudhri Hameed Ullah, Professor Chaudhri Hameed Ahmad, Professor Abdur Rashid Ghani, Professor Mirza Khurshid Ahmad, Professor Basharat ur Rehman and Professor Masud Atif.
In 1970 the T. I. College, Rabwah was granted permission by the University of Punjab to offer M. Sc. degree in Physics which was a great step forward in the history of the college. It was the tireless and sincere efforts of the late Professor Naseer Ahmad Khan under the auspices of Hazrat Khalifa tul Massih III that made such an important thing to happen.
I obtained a B. Sc. degree from the T. I. College in 1970 and was interested in doing an M. Sc. in Physics. In those days, the University of Punjab Lahore and the Government College Lahore were popular places for doing a Masters Degree as they were well established institutions with good reputation. On the other hand, at the T. I. College, this facility was only one year old. However, due to the excellent experience I had during my four year stay, I decided to join M. Sc. Physics courses at T. I. College, Rabwah. This opened a new chapter in my life. Although over thirty years have passed since I finished my studies at T. I. College, I still cherish the sweet memories of those days. During my professional life I have had the chance to work at numerous very good universities and excellent research centers all over the world which helped me to improve my worldly knowledge tremendously. However, nowhere in the world I could find the high moral and ethical standards that I experienced at the T. I. College, Rabwah.
Professor Naseer Ahmad Khan who was the Head of the Physics Department, took personal care for the wellbeing of every student and did everything possible to provide the students with all the necessary means and facilities to achieve success. His aim was twofold. First to encourage the students to show excellent performance in M. Sc. exams and do better than students at other institutions and second to prepare them for higher education abroad after they finish the Masters. Until the college was taken over by the Government of Pakistan, the students from the T. I. College always showed excellent performance compared to the University of Punjab and the Government College Lahore. Most of those students later obtained higher education abroad and now have responsible positions in different European Countries and the United States. I would also like to acknowledge the support and generosity of the late Professors Mian Ata ur Rehman and Masud Atif who were very kind and helpful to all the students. Late Professor Dr. Abdus Salam also visited the college a number of times and in his speeches he always urged the audience to excel in different fields of science and technology. His advice and encouragement was instrumental in shaping the future of many of the students. Finally, I would like to mention that all the success that was achieved during those years was made possible due to the full support, guidance and prayers of Hazrat Khalifa tul Massih III. wassalam Naeem A. Tahir