Letter from Mr. Matiullah Dard – 126 Hill View Drive, London SE28 0LL

My dear Choudhry Sahib,
I have seen your web-site about the old students of T I College. I am sending you my E-Mail address and requesting you to read An Ahmadiyya Muslim Autobiography by Matiullah Dard, the address is matiullahdard.tripod.com Please cull-out the relevant information and include that on the T I Collge web-site if you so wish. At the moment I am serving as the Secretary General of the South East London Ahmadiyya Jammat. I am not very familiar with the computer technology, someone has helped me to put all this on the WEB. You could easily find this information on GOOGLE as well,just put my name and search.
Matiullah dard -An OLD Student of T I College Rabwah and Lahore.